Best Apartment Plants

best apartment plants 7 apartment-friendly and pet-safe plants

Best Plants for Apartment Dwellers

Plants are an excellent way to spruce up your apartment. From purifying the air to livening up the atmosphere, you can’t go wrong with adding a plant or two.

Now, if you lack a green thumb, fret not. The plants mentioned in this article are beginner-friendly and can grow in most environments with little effort on your part.

We also made sure these plants are safe for our furry residents. Keep in mind other plants may be toxic to dogs and cats. For more information on pet plant safety, visit ASPCA.

7 Best Pet-Friendly Apartment Plants 

1. Spider Plant 

Also known as ribbon plant or airplane plant, the spider plant is non-toxic to cats and dogs. It’s a great first plant for those who lack experience. Just give your spider plant a pot of soil, a moderate amount of sunlight, and water once per week.

spider plant2. Air Plant 

Air plants, also known as Tillandsia, come in several varieties. They’re also very popular right now and seen as a modern and trendy home decor addition. To thrive, air plants need bright, indirect light and a good soak every one to two weeks. While these adorably tiny plants are non-toxic to pets, cats and dogs like to chew on the leaves so you may want to keep them out of reach.

air plants3. Boston Fern

Boston ferns are a lovely addition to any home and are relatively easy to grow. Boston ferns mainly need high humidity and moist soil to thrive. It’s best to place your Boston fern in bright, indirect light and mist it regularly.

Again, while the foliage is non-toxic to cats and dogs, their shaggy fronds may tempt pets to chew. Therefore, place these plants up on a bathroom shelf or in a hanging planter for a chic look.

boston fern

4. Orchid

If you have a passion for orchids, you can safely add them to your go-to list of apartment-friendly, pet-safe plants. Many orchids bloom for weeks in the winter when days are short, thriving in partial light. They’re pretty and perfect for a guest room or mantle.

orchid5. African Violet

African violets are one of the most popular flowering houseplants due to their ability to bloom in low light and lack of toxicity for pets. They also share an affinity for the same environmental conditions that most people like, such as moderate temperatures and average humidity. African violets come in a variety with flowers in shades of purple, white, and red.

african violet

6. Cacti 

Who doesn’t love a mini cactus these days? Cacti are available in an array of shapes and sizes. These easy to care for plants can survive in the desert, so all you really need in your apartment is a window for sunlight. Most cactus plants are not poisonous to pets if ingested. However, it’s best to keep these prickly plants away from pets to avoid any possible injury from the thorns and spines.

mini cacti plants

7. Succulents 

Succulents have also become a trendy home decor piece in recent years. But, instead of wasting money on the fake, plastic kind, bring a live one into your apartment home. They ‘re super cute and don’t require much maintenance. All they need is a little bit of sunlight and a shot glass of water once a month.

However, do keep in mind that some varieties of succulents may be harmful to pets. Check out Toxic and Non-Toxic Succulents for Pets by Succulent Box for more on picking the right succulent plant for your apartment.




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