Get Published in Tall Oaks Newsletter

Newsletter2Get Published in Tall Oaks Newsletter

Do you enjoy writing poetry?  Are you a whiz in the kitchen and creating recipes your friends rave about, or just maybe you hold the key to the ultimate chocolate cookie recipe!  If you would like to share your recipes & poems with your fellow residents, we would love to help make these wonderful ideas & creations more known.  Here at Tall Oaks we will be creating and printing out a newsletter and delivering it to each of our apartment homes.  We are hoping for this to be a way to share ideas, information (pool openings, resident events, open house information, etc) and overall fun.  So if you like to write, we would love to read it, if you like to cook we would like to share your recipes with your neighbors.  So please submit your entries today!   What other types of things would you like to see in our newsletter?  Please tell us on Facebook, as always, we are listening and excited to hear your feedback.  Space is limited but we will do our best to include as many submissions as possible.