Trunk or Treat at Steeplechase

Steeplechase-Trunk-or-Treat-October-31-2013Trunk or Treat at Steeplechase

It’s that time of year again, the leaves are changing here on the East Coast and we are ready for Halloween!  Here at Steeplechase Apartment Homes in Cockeysville, MD we are going to be hosting yet another resident appreciation event.  Please come and join us for a safe and fun Halloween “Trunk or Treat” style!  You don’t need to be a resident to join in our festivities, this one is open to the public – so bring your friends.  Our Trunk or Treat takes place on October 31, 2013 from 5p.m – 8p.m in the Steeplechase parking lot.

What is Trunk or Treat you ask?  Well it’s easy, residents will be bringing their cars to the Steeplechase parking lot and decorating them and putting the “treats” in their trunk.  Then the Trick-or-Treaters will be going around the decorated parking lot to get their treats.

Are you a Steeplechase resident?  Please register your car today.  We’ll be hosting a contest for the best decorated trunk!  The sky is the limit if you are decorating your trunk.  You can make your trunk spooky, you can make it a game, or you can decorate your trunk in a certain theme, or….. We can’t wait to see what ideas everyone comes up with!

So what do you need to do to be a part of it all?  Simply REGISTER YOUR CAR by stopping by the office or giving us a call at (410) 666-0199 or simply donate a bag of individually wrapped candy. So wear your Halloween costume and bring the kids & pets dressed up too! As we said, it’s open to the public, All Trick-or-Treaters are welcome! We’ll be having lots of Halloween costume contests as well.  We’ll be giving out prizes for the following:

  • Best costume for children 7 & underHappy-Halloween-from-Steeplechase
  • Best costume for children 8 – 12
  • Best costume for children 13- 17
  • Best costume for adults
  • Best pet costume
  • Best TRUNK decoration

If you have any additional questions regarding Steeplechase’s Trunk or Treat please give us a call at the office today, 410-666-0199.